Tuesday, March 31, 2009

Michael Mackrill is unwell...

I Hate Being Sick,

Now I have the constitution of a concrete rhino, I am sickeningly healthy. I don't take vitamins, or colloidal silver or any of that crap. I am just lucky.

But when I am sick, I want to be really ill. Spotty, sweaty, cant get out of bed ill.

I don't want any of that 'take a lem sip and you can work' bollocks. To me, that is like the suffering with none of the upsides, like watching the Holmes on Homes marathon on the Living Channel, or re-acquainting myself with my vinyl collection.

So I am miserable because I have a cold, a stinking, achy, sweaty, shitty cold. But I can still go to work with Paracetamol. That's like the hangover without the good times.

My fingers ache, so that's it from me.

Hope the rest of you are well, or feeling to shitty to work

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