Friday, October 3, 2008

A good week

Hi All,

Its been a good week.

Let us examine the anatomy of a good week, shall we?

On Sunday I did something I have thought about doing for ages, and that is painting. Art works. Being Creative and shite.

Now, I an a very good draughtsman. Give me a piece of paper and some pencils and I will draw anything, accurately. Never been professionally taught mind, but my Dad is a superb artist with pencils, so it must be an inherited trait. In school. art lessons were aimed at the lowest common denominator, and so the more advanced stuff, like how to paint, passed me by.

Jacqui bought us some acrylics, and a few canvasses and off i went. I found a site for nude artistic photographs and tried to paint them. Not a success, as painting a high contrast photograph makes the artwork look awful. So I opened a book of Modigliani nudes and a black and white photograph of a nude woman sitting on a bed and painted this

This is the source photo


Jacqui paints as well, and has done some lovely work at copying some nice paintings, here is Van Gough's Stary night

Jacqui, Silent Night

so we are both having a ball doing this. It is amazingly satisfying to do. And not bad work for a first go, even if i do say so myself.

The band have been ion the studio all week, getting the drum parts down for the Album.What a giggle!! Playing the songs we wrote over and over again at different tempos is a bit of a blast, we are now so tight as a band it is scary. I cant wait to get my guitar parts down!

I found out on Wednesday that Nicky, the lady who I am covering maternity leave for, will not be returning in her previous role. Which means barring any disasters, I should be made permanent PACS admin for Hawkes Bay. This is a major relief for me, as I like getting the extra 25 grand a year, and I like the job a lot. I feel for Nicky, as she was the boss from the inception of the PACS system, and has put her soul into the job, but we all make difficult choices, and all of us at some point come up against the truth that life is a compromise, and we can't have it all. I am very much aware that I owe my position to the pregnancies of vastly more suitable women, i will try to do as good a job as I can.

Still, Whoo hoo!!The last part of my good week? The realizatio that contrary to popular opinion worldwide, Americans can sense bullshit. The McCain/Palin ticket for POTUS is turning into the slowest, funniest political train wreck I can ever remember. Highlights "suspending the campain" for McCain to fix Washington. (even Republicans said he was a hinderance!) Palin's "you can see Russia from my house" answer to Couric on her Foriegn policy experience, and the debates, where the pundits think Palin exceeded expectations by being able to talk for the alloted time without sounding like a head injury victim. This is important to me because the POTUS has far more influence on my life that does the NZ Prime Minister.

Obama is a Social Capitolist (Not a Socialist, most Amercans wouldn't know socialism if it kicked them in the nuts) Obama is less worrying than mcCain because he appears to think before doing anything,and he appears to care that people are hurting. not just Wall Street, or even main Street, but ordinary working families, and those who are the most disadvantaged. Obama thinks before talking, whereas McCain seems to shoot from the lip. We need someone with a mind to lead what is still the worlds most powerful nation.

Also Spring is here. Horray!!

Be Good

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